Carlos Colín: La Sublevación de la Máscara - El Motín Iconoclasta


June 15 - July 6, 2019

Tanúyap Project Space, Fazakas Gallery, Vancouver, BC


Fazakas Gallery's Tanúyap Project Space gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of works by Carlos Colín.  The show was planned in conjunction with Colín's current exhibition at the Reach Gallery, titled Little México which, through a series of sculptural installations, screenprints, sound and video installations, and photographs examines the significance of merging symbols between Latin American art and history and its diaspora in Canada.  


Much of the work is about the lives and experiences of participants in the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP), which brings thousands of workers from Mexico every year to work on Canadian farms. Fazakas Gallery wanted to examine an older series of photographs by Colín's, La Sublevación de la Máscara - El Motín Iconoclasta (The Uprising of the Mask - The Iconoclastic Riots) in relationship to the work in Little México.  This series of photographs responds to the resistance of the people in Latin America to maintain and preserve social traditions, local cultures, and, at the same time, the uprisings to sustain Latin American cultures and Indigenous Latin American roots alive.  Political, cultural, and religious oppression over Indigenous cultures across Latin America generates alienation, isolation, and deterritorialization in the structure of societies and their local heritage and lands. These photographs recover the meaning to fight for local heritage, the possibilities to expand local cultural diversity, and to perpetuate social developments in Latin American. The uprising of the mask represents Latin American cultural insurrection. The iconoclastic riot symbolizes the struggle of society and the effort to forge new Latin American perspectives from the inside out.

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