Bauhaus Restaurant Commission, Vancouver, BC
For some, Berlin is the graffiti mecca of the urban art world, so it was fitting for the owners of Bauhaus Restaurant to commission a piece by local artist Corey Bulpitt that referenced this iconic expression of Berlin urban life. Bulpitt is a Haida artist whose works fuse together expressions in Northwest Coast formline and the freedom of graffiti.
Artist statement:
“My whole graffiti career started with me tagging with my friends, and I wanted to pay tribute to that beginning, so I had the canvas tagged up with some friends. We were working on the canvas in my yard where my gardener was working. He asked what it was, and when I said it was my art piece, he replied with vigour, “THIS, THIS IS NOT ART!” He was rather adamant about it, and so in an alley off Hastings, me and two others put the art lettering over the tags in white. This is speaking about the white institutionalized gallery walls, in stark comparison to the completely covered walls we paint in the streets.”
Price on requestInspired by expressions of Haida and hip hop culture, Corey’s use of graffiti references the freedom of the urban medium through its distinct combination with Northwest Coast formline. Corey writes...Inspired by expressions of Haida and hip hop culture, Corey’s use of graffiti references the freedom of the urban medium through its distinct combination with Northwest Coast formline.
Corey writes about the piece: “My whole graffiti career started tagging with my friends and I wanted to pay tribute to that beginning, so I had the canvas tagged up with some friends. We were working on the canvas in my yard when my gardener was working. He asked what it was and when I said it was my art piece, he replied with vigour, “This. This is not art!” He was rather adamant about it. In an alley off Hastings me and two others put the art lettering over the tags in white. This is speaking about the white institutionalized gallery walls in stark comparison to the completely covered walls we paint in the streets.”
Corey Bulpitt: Supernova, Fazakas Gallery, Vancouver, BC, July 9 - Sept 17, 2020